As a business or an educational institution, you would definitely know how important it is to stay connected with your customers. Having a personal contact with your customers can make them remember your brand for a long period of time. Hence it is very important to advertise yourself the right way. One of the ways of advertising apart from television and broadcast on radio is sending bulk messages. Bulk messages refer to the dissemination of messages to your prospective customers and target market groups. If you are a business institution, media house or an educational institute, then you can send a lot of offers, alert messages, and information about different activities in your business. Bulk SMS is also very cost effective and has a high level of reach.
They have an open rate of around 98% and are read by the customers within minutes of the delivery of the message. With so many added benefits, bulk messages can do wonders for your company. If you are a business operating in Mumbai, you can opt for bulk SMS service provider in Bandra. With a rich experience in sending bulk SMS, we at SMS Plus make sure that your message is reached to your target market in a hassle free manner. If you want to promote your business, you may trust the best promotional SMS service provider in Bandra, SMS Plus for maximum returns.
Our wide range of services is not limited to promotional SMS. Whether you are looking for DND SMS in Bandra or any other bulk messaging services, SMS Plus is the name to trust. Bulk SMS ensures a wider reach to your customers while being light on your pocket.
SMS Plus is the company if you are thinking of promoting your business online through Bulk SMS service. We provide transactional and promotional sms service all over India. You will be in safe hands if you are using our sms panel as our panel is equipped with all the advanced features like sms tracking, live reports, sms scheduling, sender id creation, shorten url etc. So, do not hesitate to choose our services and speak to our experts today to take your business on new heights.
10+ types of SMS, All operators connectivity, Send SMS nationwide, Customised features, Live Tracking
API Integrations, 650+ successful software API integration, Surprise your clients with automatic welcome / thank you sms.
People are not fond of reading infact they prefer to listen and Voice Call is the best alternative of the same in real time basis.
10cr+ OTP SMS sent till date, Useful for E-comm., Banking, Corporates, Hotels & Ind.. Welcome your clients with OTP SMS.
Modern style of communication. Our own cloud server gives your data extra layer of security. Share your information with the help of graphics.
Fastest way to acquire new clients and also it helps you in creating your propects databse with ease.It is very cost effective solution.
Extensive experience of 10+ years, Brand your product / service with professional video shoot, Branding videos, Corporate Video shoot
5500+ successful campaigns, Brand your business with bulk email, High Inbox Delivery with good Open Ratio, 150+ clients
800+ IVR campaigns running, Manage your business online, Record audio, Download reports, 30 days backup stored